Key consulting services and projects

Realignment and company controlling

Realignment and controlling in a company do not have to be costly and complicated, but they are the basis of target-oriented company management. It is the integration of different systems that leads to corporate success. This is why we design adjustable, networked and target-oriented management systems together with our clients and implement them in the company.


  • Strategic realignment for several energy suppliers: fields of business, earning potential, efficiency
  • Strategy formulation and operative implementation of processes of change in medium-sized and small municipal utility companies
  • Strategic realignment of a medium-sized IT company
  • Strategic realignment of a manufacturing company in the energy efficiency market
  • Conception of a labour control system for the investment management of a holding of an energy supplier
  • Development of an HR policy as part of the realignment of a supra-regional energy procurement company
  • Implementation of an overall controlling internal health management for a subsidiary abroad

Organizational optimization

The optimization of organizational processes has many aspects. The documentation of cost structures and work processes as well as team quality and motivation are all part of it.

Leadership and human resources management

The realignment of different fields or the entire company only works properly, if the managerial staff and the employees implement systems, processes and communication in a reasonable way.

Corporate communication

A process of change which is not communicated properly will not work in the long run – and that applies to clients, staff and the public.

Personnel Search

As consultants, we accompany processes of change and develop tailor-made solutions for our clients. That is the reason why we know the business processes and understand what is really expected of the applicant.